
Friday, January 27, 2012

Building A Stock Pile

A lot of people measure a couponers success not only by the amount they save on their receipt, but also by the stock pile of food in their house. I mean seriously, have you seen those stock piles on TLC's show 'Extreme Couponing?!' Some of them absolutely make my jaw drop, but they also make me wonder how in the world these people use all that stuff before it expires?? What I hope to accomplish today is helping you build a stockpile that is just right for your family, no need to start converting your spare room into a space that ultimately resembles a mini grocery store.

You'll notice that your shopping trips begin to look much different- you'll have multiples of a certain item instead of a huge variety of different items:

First, its important to understand that Store Sale Ad Circulars run in cycles. Depending on the store it usually is around every three months or so (give or take depending on your store). For example, if pasta sauce is on sale this week it will be on sale again about three months. Understanding this time frame allows you to determine how many sauces you should buy- you want to figure in how many people are in your family and also how often you use pasta sauce! Since its only my husband and myself- I would need less than a family of four. Today I stocked up on sauce- I bought 8 jars so I am positive I won't need to purchase it again until its on sale. That is the whole idea of stock piling- buying enough of an item so that you won't have to purchase it again until its on sale. If you still have some items left over three months from now when the item goes on sale again- fantastic- now you don't have to buy as many this time around.

Second, there are also specific times of the year that prices are going to be cheaper for certain things. If you really think about our shopping habits there are definitely times of the year where we buy specific things; Thanksgiving= turkey, Easter= ham, Summer= grilling out, and so on. What happens in the stores is actually very beneficial for us, the demand for these things is high so the prices drop. You would think that it would be the other way around, but when we think carefully about it, it makes complete sense. Stores realize that you are going to be needing these things so they place them at rock bottom prices in their ads to lure you into the store. They are willing to take a loss in profit because they realize that once you step foot in their door you buy that cheap item PLUS items that are over priced- which compensates for the item thats on sale. Since you're now a couponer- you realize exactly what they're doing and only grab the item thats a great price and get yourself right out of there! Sorry store, can't trick us anymore :)) It's pretty easy to figure out the times of the year when things will be on sale, but to get your mind thinking heres a pretty basic list.

New Years Resolutions- Special K, Healthy Choice, Yogurt, Etc.
Super Bowl time- Chips, Salsa, Soft Drinks
Cold/Flu Season- Medicines and vitamins

Valentines Day- Candy and Chocolates! (Yum!) Especially after the 14th-rock bottom prices!
Chinese New Year- Soy Sauce, Noodles, Stir Fry

Frozen Food Month- Veggies, Meals, Etc.

Easter- Ham, Eggs, Food Coloring

Memorial Day- BBQ Sauce, Charcoal, Chips, Paper Products

Beginning of 4th of July Sales- Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Condiments
National Dairy Product Month- Dairy Products

4th of July sales continued

Back to school- Snacks, Juice, Back to School Supplies- makes it a good time to get a new binder!

Back to school continued

Halloween- Candy

Thanksgiving- Turkey, Stuffing, Potatoes
Baking Goods- Sugar, Flour, Baking Powder, Etc.

Christmas- Egg Nog, Gravy Mixes, Cranberry Sauce

I'm sure you can come up with many other items to add to the list, but there's the basic idea of how it works.

Since it's just my husband and myself our stock pile is not huge, but it gets us to the next sale. When you first start stock piling you may find yourself spending a little more, because you are still buying items that you have run out of. After a couple months you will see a dramatic decrease in your spending because instead of running to the store to grab something you need for a recipe- its right in your pantry.

Here is some of our stock pile.

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